Reach Mobile Blog

Coffee chat with Reach Mobile CEO Harjot Saluja

Written by Reach Team | Jun 12, 2019 1:41:00 PM

We pulled aside our busy CEO Harjot Saluja to pick his brain about the Reach movement. During this quick sit-down he shares why customers always come first at Reach, the reasoning behind our moral opposition to contracts (and mobile stores), and why he's passionate about helping bridge the Digital Divide. 

What is Reach Mobile and why would someone be excited about it?

Mobile has changed and will continue to change our lifestyle with numerous connected devices and yet:

1) the experience of getting mobile service remains primitive,

2) there are still almost four billion people whose lives are not yet touched by mobile internet. Reach is exciting and different because it offers a solution to both challenges.

What makes Reach different from current mobile service options?

What if you could get a mobile service on the largest and most reliable network in a simple, minimalistic manner without having to leave your living room? And at the same time, that connection you just purchased for yourself helps give mobile connectivity to one of those 3.9 billion people? What if that came with an honest, customer-first mentality without hassle, contracts and hidden fine print? Mobile service can be simple and meaningful.

Do you think people will miss going to the mobile store?

Do you miss Blockbuster or Hollywood Video to rent/buy movies? [He's laughing at our question a little bit] I think it’s natural for digital services to be sold digitally. Besides, our very friendly customer success team is there to answer questions, do a video chat with you if you like, and will always use common sense over rigid policies. Our golden rule is to treat our customers the way we would want to be treated. Try taking your teenage kid to a mobile store to buy service, put your name on a tablet and watch a TV screen for your number to come…ah…I don’t think I will miss it much :)

There are so many options for mobile service out there. Why should someone pick Reach?

We are the only ones with the intersection of largest, most reliable 4G LTE network, completely digital, and with social impact at its core. We aren't tied up in years of rigid policies and lots of fine print… it's a clean slate over here. We also put practices in place that are just better for the customer, like our Best Fit feature. For example, if you picked a 10GB plan but only used 3GB, we will simply charge you for the lower plan that month, no calls/no hassle, just do what’s right for customers and what we would like done to ourselves. We are not only counting on our customers to love us, but to also spread the word to their family and friends. The more people we can connect here in the US, the more connections we can give to people in need. That's what makes this a movement as much as a service. 

What is the Digital Divide and what does it have to do with mobile service in the US?

Most of us with easy access to afford mobile connectivity can forget that not everyone on the planet is lucky enough, including many people in the US. We at Reach have worked over the last 3-4 years offering toll-free data services (free mobile data) by getting businesses to sponsor the cost in emerging markets. That model has worked well, and we've seen first-hand the value of getting mobile connectivity to people, but it wasn't a long-term solution for the individual. To truly scale and increase digital inclusion around the world, we believe that crowdfunding connectivity is the best route. Instead of spending millions in advertising, we're connecting the unconnected through Get a plan, Give a plan. And mind you, not just for a day or month, but for a minimum of 12 months for each recipient, as long as the need is there.

What can customers expect from Reach?

I'll go ahead and list off the big ones:

Transparency- no fine print


 The best network


Common sense-based customer success team



Full social impact accountability 


Ultimately, customers should expect to feel good about being part of the Reach movement!

Anything exciting coming down the pipeline?

Our early adopters can expect some exciting referral incentives. Our focus right now is growing, and word of mouth will be a big part of that. Of course that means our other key focus is delivering on our promises and continuing to simplify the digital experience.

I'm also really excited about the first-hand stories from recipients we're going to be sharing on the blog. It's important to get their stories out there so that our customers can see the difference they're making in someone's life. We love doing what we're doing, and there's more good things ahead. 

So that's our fearless leader in a nutshell. We appreciate him taking the time to shed some light on what drives the Reach culture of accountability, customer service, and giving back. Ready to join the Reach movement? Get involved

Happy Connecting,

The Reach Team